The implants can be placed through incisions in the inframammary fold (the crease beneath the breast), around the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple, or less commonly through the underarm or belly button.

They will be placed directly behind the breast or under the muscle, separating the implant from the overlying breast tissue. There are benefits to each of these options.
Here at Artful, we use the inframammary incision technique.
Once you have worked with Dr. Lee to design the best way to enhance your breasts, her office will help you schedule your surgery at a fully accredited surgical facility.
The method with which Dr. Lee will insert your implant will depend on your unique body, your chosen implant type, and your discussed goals for appearance. For example, because saline implants are filled after they are introduced into the breast, patients will have more minimally-invasive surgical options.
Patients usually come back to the office for their first postoperative visit the day after surgery to make sure that all of their new questions are answered.